Donors List
We thank you for the financial contributions that enable YWCA Greenwich to continue its important work to eliminate racism and empower women and girls. We have raised money through contributions, grants, and events to support our programs and services. Every effort has been made to list names accurately. Please accept our apologies for any errors or omissions.

$50,000 or More
Anonymous (2)
Susan Reynolds Lehman
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc.
Greenwich United Way
Rudolph J. & Daphne A. Munzer Foundation
Town of Greenwich, CDBG
Town of Greenwich Department of Human Services
Jean and David W. Wallace Foundation

$25,000 to $49,000
Allatt Walsh Foundation
Allstate Foundation
Barbara Carr
Ray and Barbara Dalio
Sabrina Forsythe
Nisha and Brian Hurst
JP Morgan Private Bank
Anne and David Juge
Joy and Marc Lautenbach
Karen Morstad and Mark Goldberg
Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Jill and Kevin Plancher
Shannon and Juan Pujadas
Pilar Ramos and Kahihan Krippendorff
Kathleen and Edward Silard
Stamford Health
Lauren Walsh
Wells Fargo Private Bank
Judith and Stephen Wertheimer

$15,000 to $24,999
Simi Ahuja and Kumar Mahadeva
Jane and Alan Batkin
Sue and Michael Bodson
Paula and Robert Burton
Fairfield County's Community Foundation
Pamela and Thomas Frame
Greenwich Hospital
Deborah and Al Hodys
Terry Lamantia Cataldo and Nick Cataldo
Cindy and Richard Leaman
Cecilia and Jonathan Lieberman
Abby Meiselman and Kenneth Bloom
Audrey and Christian Meissner
Norman Roth
The Saks Shops at Greenwich
Stephanie K. Schnabel and Brian Keil
Toland and Robert Sherriff
Joy Ubina

$10,000 to $14,999
Anonymous (2)
Jennifer and Tom Davidson
Douglas Winthrop Advisors LLC
The Erdmann Group
Jennifer and Anthony Frascella
Rebecca A. Gillan
Elizabeth and Chris Harned
Anne and Greg Islan
Lori and Jim Klein
Peggy and Edward Martino
Edward John Noble Foundation, Inc.
Lynne and Richard Pasculano
Connie Anne Phillips
Tara and Larry Restieri
Max J. & Winnie S. Rosenshein Foundation
Clare Hart-Syed and Kabir Syed
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Foundation
Windhover Foundation
Louisa and John Winthrop
Stacy Zarakiotis and Christos Alexandrou

$5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous (2)
The Allard Family
American Benefits Consulting
Aundrea and James Amine
Elizabeth Angelone and James Morris, M.D.
Barbara and Thomas Arenz
Nisha and Harry Arora
Vivian Bacon
Bank of America
Lucy and David Ball
Susan Bevan and Anthony Daddino
Jill Blomberg
Elizabeth and David Boutry
Eunice and Rob Burnett
Patricia and John Chadwick
Nancy and Jim Cook
Vicki and David Craver
Cummings & Lockwood, LLC
Patricia and Mark Davies
Roberta and Steven Denning
Wendy DiChristina
Richard Davoud Donchian Foundation
Wendy and John Duryea
Barbara and William Epifanio
First County Bank
First Trust
Kathryn Gabler
Chris Hikawa and David Windreich
Holland & Knight LLP
Tracy and Mark Holton
Karen and Dennis Keegan
Cheryl Kozlowski and Jonathan Packard
Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc.
Lily Palmer Fry Memorial Trust
Lone Pine Foundation
M&T Bank
Elaine Madonna
Joey Magliocco
Theresa Rogers Matthews and Phil Matthews
Paula McCloskey
Giovanna and Brian Miller
Morgan Stanley
Leslie and John Moriarty
Near and Far Aid Association, Inc.
Kim Nichols and Chris Cabanillas
Jennifer D. Port
Richards of Greenwich
Ellen and Richard Richman
Natalia and Martin Robredo
Schoonmaker, George, Colin & Blomberg PC
Joanna and Kenneth Schulman
Second Congregational Church
Andrea Sisca and John Braunstein
Lynda and William Steere, Jr.
Katie and Greg Vadasdi
Noelle Ward
Sandy and Steven Waters
The Wayne Family
Kimberly and J. Eric Wise
$1,000 to $4,999
AAA Northeast
Lauren Acosta
Advanced Home Audio, Inc.
Americana Manhasset
Ellen and Robert Barolak
Patrick Barth
Nancy E. Barton Foundation
Matthew Bergen
Nancy and Jamie Better
Sareeta and Bjorn Bjerke
Wendy and Jason Block
Alyssa and Tom Bonomo
BridgePoint Risk Management, LLC
Joan and Scott Brown
Constance M. Burke
Calico Burton
Elizabeth and John Butler
Estate of Irene Buynoski
Gretchen and Lance Bylow
Byram Cos Cob Foundation
Gretchen Carlson and Casey Close
Susan and Peter Carlson
Carnegie Prep
Lynne and Anthony Carvette
Lucy and Abe Cary
Ceci Brothers, Inc.
Leslie Cenci
Christ Church Greenwich
Chubb Personal Risk Services
Kate Murphy Clark
Jane Condon and Kenneth Bartels
Leslie and John B. Cooper
Cornerstone Contracting Corporation
Darien Signature Health
Donna de Varona and John Pinto
Irene Driscoll and Lincoln Millstein
Lynn Easton
Ilona and Onur Eken
Lori Fagan
Marisa Femenia
First Congregational Church of Greenwich
Rhiannon and Mario Forlini
Jen and Jeff Forlizzi
Susan and H. Peet Foster
Icy and L. Scott Frantz
Jennifer Gerstel Ringelstein and Geoffrey Ringelstein
Karen and Nick Giannuzzi
Gina Gladstein and David Mullen
Pamela and Robert Goergen
Shannon and Daniel Green
Greenwich Dental Group LLC
Gretchen Carlson's Gift of Courage
Franziska and Allen Haight
Sally and Mike Harris
Judith and Matthew Harrison
Barbara and Joseph Havranek
Melissa and Carney Hawks
Kathryn and Douglas Heidt
Colleen and Philip Hempleman
Carol and James Henderson
Mary Ann Henry and Peter Atkins
Sandra R. Herman
Constance J. Hewitt
Alexandra and David Hochman
Wendy Hubbell
Ginny and Thomas Hughes
Anne Marie and James Hynes
Imagine Architecture PC
Anne and Robert Ivanhoe
Lori and Allen Jackson
Mary and Martin Jacobson
Eva Maria T. Janerus
Mary and Kim Jeffery
Gretchen Jelinek
Edna Keleshian
Julie and Jonathan Keller
Tricia and Lawrence Kemp
Roberta and Albert Kestnbaum
Eileen and John Kim
Joni and Kevin Kimberlin
The Kleeman Family Fund
Terri Browne Kutzen and Tom Kutzen
Jasbeena and Ralph Layman
Lauren and Michael Lazar
Lizzie and Jim Lindstorm
Kimberly K. Maciejewski
Robert Madden
Pinky and Terry Markey
Mary Ellen and Brad Markowitz
Vilma and Richard Matteis
Dee and Richard Mayberry
Adelaide McManus
Amy Messing
Kathleen Metinko and Jan Kniffen
Virginia and Juan Meyer
The Mulberry Essence Foundation
Mandy Murphy
Marion Murphy
Cindy Nastanski
Barbara Netter
Randi Nielsen and Robert Birkenholz
Jill Oberlander and Laurence Penn
Izabela and Daniel O'Brien
Olvine Gabbro
Orthopaedic & Neurosurgery Specialists, PC
Mairead O'Sullivan and Arthur Landi
Lee S. Parfrey
Anthony P. Della Pietra, Jr.
Cheryl and Doug Plummer
Chitra Ramcharandas
Nicole Reynolds and Steve Girden
Janice and Bruce Richards
Cecile Rothschild
Deborah and Charles Royce
Rosemary Ryan and Jack DeGrado
Cynthia Chang Scanlan and Brian Scanlan
Jane and Paul Shang
The Blum Shapiro Foundation
Constance Shields
Anna and Larry Simon
Heidi and Scott Smith
Jane and Lloyd Sprung
George Stanevich
Natalie and Eric Stein
Caralyn and Doug Stevens
Charlotte T. Suhler
Sharon Sunoo
Madhunika and Vinodh Swaminathan
Kathryn Tabner
Vicki and Harold Tananbaum
Marilyn Timbers
USA Swimming
Elizabeth and David Walker
Steven Wayne
Jill and Jon Weiner
Trish White
Withers Bergman LLP
Susan Wohlforth
Allison and Steven Wolowitz
Woman's Club of Greenwich
Wendy Wright
Ralph Wyman
The ZAC Foundation for Children's Safety
Chris and David Zadik

$500 to $999
Kristen and Brent Atkins
Katie Attubato
Kim and Neil Augustine
Ballroom Magic
Laura and Scott Beck
Abby Beebe
Michelle and John Binnie
Blink Designs LLC
Laurie Brecher
Kelly and Robert Bridges
Michelle and Chris Bucaria
Amy and Nick Carriello
Caroline Chadwick
Magdelena and Pitor Cieciwa
Lynn Villency Cohen and Stephen Cohen
Jean Marie Connolly and Mark Iannucci
Geri Corrigan and Perry Brittis
County TV & Appliance
Stephanie and Jim Cowie
Laura and Stephen Cunningham
Alexandra DeBourcy
Julie and Joe Disa
Helen and Bruce Dixon
Denise and Nicola Doria
Nancy and Kenneth Duffy
Donna P. Durvasula
Ann R. Elliman
Kelly and Francis Ennis
Courtney and Jonathan Evans
Marci Fagan
Mairead and David Finn
Lisa and Scott Fischer
Tammi Flowers
Linda Fox
Patricia and Eduardo Gallardo
Kathy Georgas
Lile and John Gibbons
Marlene and Alan Gilbert
Kristina and Louis Gimbel
Girl Scouts of Greater New York
Catherine and Craig Giventer
Merritt and Bob Greene
Greenwich Braces
Greenwich Education Group
Greenwich Historical Society
Greenwich Rotary Club
Prabhjot Grewal and Sumit Kumar
Tracy and John Guarnera
Becky Gutman
Harbor Asset Group at Morgan Stanley
Hilary and Andre Haroche
Alison and Bill Hinkle
Sharon Hu
MJ and Bradley Hvolbeck
India Cultural Center of Greenwich
Bo and Natalie Jarnstedt
Lauri Scoran Jefferies
Nancy Joyce
Elinor Kaplan
Zoe and Shaker Khayatt
Leo Kozlowski
Ren Leonard
Kamie and Richard Lightburn
Lions Club Foundation of Greenwich
Barbara and Tom Malone
Marcum LLP
Allie and Steven Marks
Diddle and Malcolm McAllister
Paula and Douglas McGraime
Amy McGrath
Debra and Michael McLaughlin
Janet and Michael McMahon
Susan McSherry
Sally and Robert Michler
Sanela Miller
Stephanie and James Milligan
Kate and Hank Minchin
Bernadette and Francis Mosellie
Kim and Lawrence Motola
Marybeth Mullins
Tanya Murphy
New England Land Company
Joyce and David Noble
Beth and Jim O'Malley
Barbara O'Neill
Orrick and Company
Fran Pastore
Emma and Mark Pennington
Ava Lala and Benjamin Perry
Diane and Graham Powis
Lolly Prince
Mary and Richard Radcliffe
Sneha Reddy
Karen and Andrew Richard
Mary Jo and Bill Riddle
Ride for Kids, Inc.
River House Adult Day Center
Lori and Phil Robinson
Mary and Peter Rolla
Katharine and Christian Roth
Heather and Jeff Sahrbeck
Diane and C. David Sammons
Charles Santoro
Jan Schaefer and Roy Abramowitz
Jill Schecter
Michael Scherer
Schinto Dental
Angela and Steven Schiz
Susan Scully
Jennifer and Martin Seidel
Service Management Group, LLC
Debi and John Shaw
Margaret Simon and David Weisbrod
Shannon Smith
Cozata Solloway
Terri Stein and David Kaplan
Ginger and Carl Stickel
Transcend Horizons LLC
Mary Waldron
Bobbie Walker
James and Tara Waters
Sue Ann Weinberg
John L. and Sue Ann Weinberg Foundation
Linda Whitridge
Elisa and Thomas Wilson
John Winthrop
Ann Zaminski
Felice Zwas and Sarah Gallen